The Three Rs have received an update! We’re all familiar with the 3 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and...
Updated July 20, 2020ACUA is closely monitoring the COVID-19 guidance from state and federal...
As a way to cut costs while helping the environment, the ACUA works with an outside contractor to...
Employees of the Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA) are invested in bettering the...
As part of ACUA’s commitment to a clean environment, we regularly install gas collection...
Are you concerned about the environment and want to learn how to make a difference? The...
The Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA) and the Pleasantville Housing Authority (PHA) were...
The following rate increases will be effective January 1, 2020: Solid Waste Division• Municipal...
ACUA Stresses Importance of Safe and Proper DisposalEgg Harbor Township, NJ -- A vape battery...
Beginning Monday, December 2 and continuing through Friday, December 13, Atlantic County...