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How We’re Using Technology to Combat Litter

Aug 07, 2017

At ACUA, we’re exploring different ways to use technology to enhance the services we provide to customers and serve our community. One new way we’re doing this is by encouraging litter reduction with our new group, the Atlantic County ObLITTERaters.



The group is encouraged to report and discuss litter online using the app SeeClickFix or our official Facebook group.


Why Litter?

Litter abatement has always been a concern to us at ACUA. In addition to ensuring our communities stay clean through proper waste management and collection services, we also administer Atlantic County’s Adopt-a-Road program through New Jersey Clean Communities.

Currently, more than 225 groups have adopted county roads, which is an amazing accomplishment! But sadly, we realize there are other littered areas not regularly being cleaned by local volunteer groups. We needed a new and easy way for local community leaders, volunteers, businesses and organizations to come together and tackle the problem.


Just a few examples of the litter reports we've received through the Atlantic County ObLITTERaters

How It Works

Residents can participate in our Atlantic County ObLITTERaters group through three easy ways:

1 - Download the app SeeClickFix or use the online app through  our website to report the location and upload an image of the litter.

2 - Become a member of our official Facebook group to upload images and location of litter. This is also a great place to share informative articles, organize cleanups, and start discussions with other locals concerned about litter.

3 - Simply email us a photo and location of litter.

From there, our team will do its best to locate a leader who can help remove the litter. Sometimes that will be us at ACUA, your town’s Public Works Department, a local volunteer, or it may require an organized cleanup – crowdsourcing at its finest!

Join Our Movement!

We encourage you to participate in the ways we outlined above and are open to hearing your ideas for cleaning up the litter in our communities as well as how we can use technology to better serve you.