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Infrastructure Upgrade: New Landfill Gas Flare Will Help Control Odors

Jan 20, 2017

ACUA recently installed a new 40 x 12 ft. enclosed flare at our landfill to help decrease odors and improve efficiency.


New Flare Going Up
The flare is used to burn excess landfill gas that is not already used to generate electricity through ACUA’s existing landfill gas to energy project. It converts methane found in landfill gas into carbon dioxide, a less harmful greenhouse gas.

The new flare will burn the excess landfill gas at a much higher efficiency than the older flare that was removed, which you can see through the images below had reached the end of its useful life. As a result, odors and emissions will be greatly reduced.


Old Fare Being Replaced

The project cost approximately $440,000 and is representative of the infrastructure improvements being made across the Authority’s facilities.

Over the past two years, ACUA has installed dozens of additional gas recovery wells to improve its landfill gas collection system as well as a temporary cap to cover open portions of the landfill. Both projects greatly improve gas collection efficiency and reduce odors.



Left: Old Flare, Right: New Flare in Place



Click here to read more about how ACUA controls odors at the landfill.