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ACUA, in Cooperation with Atlantic County Government and Office of Highway Safety, Kicks Off Slow Do

Jun 07, 2017

The Atlantic County Utilities Authority, in cooperation with the Atlantic County Office of Highway Safety, is
kicking off a summer safety campaign featuring the national Slow Down to Get Around safety program at 11
a.m. on June 15 at ACUA’s Geo Building site located at 6700 Delilah Road in Egg Harbor Township. The safety
campaign, which has its roots in Ohio, encourages motorists to slow down when passing waste, recycling and
other services vehicles. During the event, county, municipal, and local service industries vehicles will be
showcasing the bright yellow decal depicting the Slow Down to Get Around logo.

The program is designed to raise safety awareness when passing utility, waste and service vehicles. The aim
is to encourage drivers to use the same amount of caution as when passing a school bus, emergency vehicle
or road construction crew.

“A new law passed in early May requires New Jersey vehicles to move, slow down or stop for sanitation workers,”
said Richard Dovey, ACUA President. “June is also National Safety Month and June 15 is National Garbage
Man Day. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to raise awareness about the need to exercise caution on the
road. Collecting trash or recyclables, or conducting service repairs should not be a dangerous job.”
The Slow Down to Get Around message will be promoted on radio and in print media. Slow Down to Get
Around decals are being featured on ACUA, county, municipal public works vehicles and on local service
industry vehicles.

“ACUA has been fortunate. We have not had any fatalities or disabling injuries,” Dovey noted. “Others haven’t
been as lucky. ACUA is using the recent passing of “Michael Massey’s Law” to bring awareness to this issue.
Michael Massey, a husband and father of two, was an Ocean County public works employee who was killed
by a speeding car as he loaded a sanitation truck in Ocean Township. It is our belief that by taking a proactive
measure and reminding residents about the Slow Down to Get Around campaign, we can help prevent future
accidents, injuries or fatalities,” Dovey added.

“With increases in traffic volume and roadway construction, our daily commutes can often be impacted. But
taking a few extra minutes to slow down when passing service vehicles could prevent a serious accident or
fatal tragedy,” said County Executive Dennis Levinson. “With the cooperation of local municipalities, waste, utility
and service providers, as well as our residents and visitors, we can help make working conditions safer for service
employees and reduce traffic accidents.”

The safety campaign takes on added significance when you consider that in 2015, there were 140 pedestrian
crashes and 10 pedestrian fatalities in Atlantic County. In 2016, there were 13 pedestrian fatalities and four
pedestrian fatalities to date in 2017.

According to NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), an estimated 70,000 pedestrians are
struck by vehicles in the United States, and of those, 5,376 were fatalities in 2015.