Oct 03, 2017
Beginning Tuesday, October 3, the Atlantic County Utilities
Authority (ACUA) will be providing trash collection service to Buena Borough.
Waste collection had previously been handled by Gold Medal. Prior to the
expiration of their current contract, Buena Borough officials went out to bid
for waste collection and disposal service. ACUA was the lowest bidder.
“The Atlantic County Utilities Authority has always been a great
partner,” said Buena Borough Mayor David Zappariello. “I look forward to having
ACUA provide this critical service to our residents and anticipate other
cost-saving opportunities where we can work together in the very near future,”
Mayor Zappariello added.
“We’re really pleased to be providing trash collection service to
residents of Buena Borough,” said ACUA President Rick Dovey. “Our staff has a
good feel for the town given our long-standing recycling collection
relationship. We’re expecting a seamless transition,” Dovey added.
Buena residents should not notice any difference in service given
that collection services will continue to happen on the same day for the entire
municipality. Trash will continue to be collected every Tuesday, only now the
collection will be done by ACUA. Bulk items
will continue to be collected on trash days – one bulk item is allowed per home
on each trash collection day. Recycling
collection will continue every other Friday, with no changes from the current
scheduled collections.
For additional information, contact ACUA
at 609-272-6950 or go to www.acua.com.