Sep 01, 2017
While choosing a career path
is not easy, there’s a new local initiative to offer some guidance to high
school students who may be thinking about an environmental career.
The Atlantic County Utility
Authority’s Explorer Post offers opportunities for young people to learn about
a wide variety of jobs that they might not have even know about.
Many people are may be
familiar with local Explorer Posts for law enforcement or firefighting; ACUA’s
Explorer Post is based on the same principles: emphasizing career exploration,
leadership experience, character education, life skills and service learning,
but with a focus on environmental career fields.
“People are usually surprised
when they come for a tour and learn about projects and initiatives that we’ve
been able to implement here at the ACUA,” president Rick Dovey commented.
“Hosting an Explorer Post gives us a chance to introduce students to jobs that
they might not be aware of. Participants can interact directly with the people
who work in a variety of career areas.”
From recycling to water
treatment and testing, ACUA employees with diverse skills and training perform
a wide variety of jobs which protect the local environment. Explorers learn
about the work that goes into designing, implementing and operating
some of the Authority’s green initiatives. Participants will be introduced to
engineers, chemists, mechanics, electricians and operations staff who will
share information about their careers and experience. “Getting to talk to
someone who works in the field is very helpful. Hands on activities are a big
part of what makes this program fun and interesting.” Dovey added.
The program is open to all
high school students and will meet one evening a month during the school year
at ACUA. Explorers will engage with staff from a different department each
month to learn about the work that is done at the Authority and what skills and
training are needed for different jobs.
An Open House event from
5:30-7 p.m. on Thursday, September 14th will enable
students and their families to learn more about ACUA’s Explorer Post and to
register for the upcoming program. Students do not need to attend the Open House to participate. There is no cost to attend the Open House,
but there is a registration fee for the program.
information can be found on ACUA’s website,, or by calling