Jul 13, 2018
Repairs are underway on ACUA’s coastal interceptor pipeline
located along Atlantic and 32nd Avenues in Hamilton Township. A street
closure will be in effect for 32nd Avenue from Atlantic Avenue to
Chancellor Park Drive beginning Monday, July 16, and is expected to last
approximately 3 to 5 days as contractor Arthur Henry completes the repairs. The Atlantic County bikeway located at 32nd will also be closed for the duration of the project.
The leak is contained and wastewater has been redirected to
the Hamilton Township Municipal Utilities Authority until a temporary bypass is
in place that will direct flows to the ACUA Wastewater Treatment Plant. Once
the leak is fixed, the temporary bypass will be removed and the area restored.
ACUA has worked alongside the Atlantic County Public Works
Department, the Hamilton Township MUA, Police Department and City Officials to
coordinate the repairs and appreciates their assistance in this matter.