Oct 18, 2023

Atlantic County residents can safely dispose of hazardous materials including oil-based paints, rechargeable batteries, fluorescent light bulbs and more at our Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Offs. While we may not always think of them as dangerous, many products that we use around the house are considered hazardous and should never be placed in the trash or emptied down the drain. These items can pollute our waterways and the environment when disposed of incorrectly and can even cause fires and endanger sanitation workers.
The next drop-off event is scheduled for Saturday, November 4, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., at ACUA’s Environmental Park, 6700 Delilah Road in Egg Harbor Township, NJ.
Accepted items include insecticides, fertilizer, paint thinners, furniture polish, weed killers, pool chemicals, rat poison, rechargeable batteries, car and boat batteries, auto care products, gasoline, rust remover, and oven cleaners.
Visit acua.com/hhw for a full list of accepted items, drop-off procedures and more dates for upcoming drop-off events.
ACUA will also be collecting gently used reusable bags during the drop-off. Residents with an abundance of bags they no longer need will have the opportunity to conveniently donate them at the event. The bags will be delivered to local food pantries that are currently in need of reusable bags for the community members they serve. Bags must be gently used and clean. Bags should be empty and have no rips or tears.