Organization Name: (Optional)
Organization Description: 
Address Number:  (E.g. 1234)
Direction: (Optional)
Street Name:  (E.g. Main)
Street Type:  (E.g. Street)
Preferred Date: 
Preferred Time: 
Aprox. Duration (Hours):
Est. Group Size:
Tour Requested (Select at least one):
Recycling Center
Recycling in Atlantic County has been experiencing changes reflecting recycling markets and the general world-wide economy with demand for manufactured goods at an all time low.

Because of this, the ACUA Recycling Center is mainly being used for delivery of collected recyclables or as a Transfer Station and the materials are being stored on site and kept out of the landfill. You can see the tarped pile of recyclables, several months worth, awaiting further processing when the recycling markets improve!

A walk through tour of the Recycling Center and/or explanation of Atlantic County recycling will be included in a total tour of the Haneman Environmental Park.

The tour takes approximately 1 hour and can include a visit from SuperCan for the younger crowd.
Full Park Tour (inc. RC)
Recycling Center - See Tour 1

Transfer Station - Visitors will learn how mountains of trash generated each day in Atlantic County are brought into the Transfer Station before being landfilled.

Landfill - See an active landfill and learn about leachate collection systems and how they help protect our groundwater. In addition, learn about our unique landfill. It is the only one in the country licensed to landfill household trash at night!

Landfill Gas to Electric Facility - Methane gas, naturally produced by landfills, is a potent greenhouse gas. This gas is captured and used to power ACUA facilities.

Compost Facility - Composting is nature's way of recycling leaves, brush, grass, branches and other vegetative materials into an extremely useful soil additive. See how the ACUA's compost product, EcoSoil, and landscape material, EcoChips, are made.

Geo Garden - Vegetables are grown organically by community groups using compost made in the ACUA's backyard compost demonstration units.

Playground - Visit the playground made from recycled materials and have lunch in the nearby shaded picnic area on picnic tables made from recycled plastic bottles.

Neal Steinman Poetry and Nature Trail - Take a hike and learn about poetry and indigenous plant species along the way. Discuss the day's activities in an amphitheater constructed from recycled plastic materials and nestled along the nature trail.

The tour takes approximately 1-2 hours.
ACUA Wastewater Treatment Facility Wind and Solar Farm
The Wastewater Treatment Facility has become world renowned as the largest hybrid wind and solar powered treatment facility. It is home to the nation's first coastal and urban setting wind farm and New Jersey's first commercial wind farm. Also located on site is a 500-kilowatt solar generation facility. The treatment facility was vital in reclaiming the area's back bays. At one time fishing, shell fishing, and swimming were off limits in Atlantic County's back bays. Thanks to the treatment facility, all of these activities are once again part of the region's economic backbone.

The ACUA Wastewater Treatment Facility operates 24 hours a day, every day, to meet clean water standards and ensure the purity of the County's marine and fresh water environments. Visitors will learn the crucial role the ACUA Wastewater Treatment Facility plays in this process and the need to protect vital natural resources. Tours of the facility are geared to the age level and interest of the group and can include any or all of the following:
Please Select at least one of the following: 
Description of the facility
Laboratory tour and demonstration
Wind and solar energy presentation and outdoor tour