January 2025
- January 23 - The flare was offline during the evening and early morning hours of January 22/23. The cold weather caused a break in one of the gas pipes in our landfill gas collection system. This resulted in damage to the actuator valve on our flare system. The valve and collection pipe are now undergoing repairs. There may have been an increased chance of offsite odors associated with this incident. The flare is now back online.
- January 17 - In the evening hours of January 16, the air compressor responsible for controlling the pumps that remove liquid from the landfill gas header system failed. The issue was identified around 7:00 a.m. on January 17 and resolved promptly, with the compressor replaced by 7:45 AM. There may have been an increased chance of offsite odors associated with this incident.
December 2024
- December 9 - The main flare and media tanks will shut down approximately four to six hours beginning at 12 p.m. for maintenance. Depending on weather conditions, there may be an increased chance for odors while the main flare is offline.
- December 6 - The main flare will shut down for approximately two hours beginning at 9 a.m. for an inspection. Depending on weather conditions, there may be an increased chance for odors while the main flare is offline.
November 2024
- November 26 - The bid to cap 16 acres of the landfill has been awarded. Construction is expected to commence in February 2025. The cap will increase landfill gas collection efficiency, reduce the generation of leachate, improve stormwater quality, and minimize the impact of potential offsite odors.
- November 13 - The main flare will shut down from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. as maintenance is performed on the flare and flame arrestor. Depending on weather conditions, there may be an increased chance for odors while the main flare is offline.
- November 8 - All well drilling has been completed. 32 new or redrilled wells have been connected to the new gas collection system pipelines. The new collection system will undergo ongoing tuning for the next few weeks to optimize the collection efficiency. The old gas collection system with be fully capped and decommissioned during the week of November 11.
- November 1 - 22 of 32 landfill gas collection wells have been installed. The drill rig is currently undergoing repairs. The remaining wells are expected to be installed by the end of next week. The expanded gas collection pipeline is 100% installed, and the new header system has been activated.
October 2024
- October 30 - the main landfill gas flare will shut down as work is done on the flare's flame arrestor. Depending on weather conditions, there may be an increased chance for odors while the main flare is offline.
- October 28 - the landfill gas flare will shut down from 9 to 10:30 a.m. as work is done on the flare's flame arrestor. Depending on weather conditions, there may be an increased chance for odors while the main flare is offline.
- October 25 - the landfill gas flare shut down for approximately 30 minutes on Friday, October 25.
- October 24 - the landfill gas flare will be shut down for approximately two hours beginning at 3 p.m. on Thursday, October 24. Depending on weather conditions, there may be an increased chance for odors while the main flare is offline.
- October 23 – 7 wells that were decommissioned for active filling operations in Cell 3 were brought back online. Additional lateral piping that transports landfill gas was put into place.
- October 21 - The pump that removes liquid at the flare failed in the evening hours of October 21. During routine rounds staff noticed a buildup of liquid, identified the issue, and worked to put in a temporary fix. The replacement piece needed to resolve the issue was put in place by the morning of October 22.
- October 18 - The expanded gas collection pipeline network is 95% installed. It will be completed during the week of October 21.
Photo shows new well pipeline, air line, and leachate removal pipeline.
- October 17 - there was an outage in the gas collection and control system due to a clog in our flare system's flame arrestor. During the outage, there many have been an increased potential for odors to migrate off-site.
- October 17 - drilling commenced on the 32 new or upgraded collection wells. Drilling will be completed during the week of October 28. Beginning October 21, previously decommissioned wells in Cell 3 will come back online. Beginning October 28, the new wells and header system will be activated and the old system will be decommissioned.
Photo shows landfill gas well drill rig
- October 15 - the main landfill gas flare will be shut down for approximately four hours on Wednesday, October 16, between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. to connect newly installed header pipe. Depending on weather conditions, there may be an increased chance for odors while the main flare is offline.
- October 11 - Installation of expanded 18” header pipe is complete. Installation on additional connecting pipeline that conveys gases from the wells to the header pipe is 80% complete. Drilling of 32 new or upgraded gas collection wells will begin on Monday, October 14. The drilling is expected to take approximately three weeks. During this time, there is an increased potential for odors to migrate off-site.
- October 8 - There were complications during the change out of the medium used in our H2S control and cleanup system. This temporarily reduced collection system efficiency and caused an increase in offsite odor.
- October 4 - more than half of the additional header pipe and connected pipeline has been installed throughout the landfill. It is expected to be completed by October 14. Well drilling was set to begin the week of October 7. It will likely be a few days behind schedule (drill rig has been delayed getting to the site due to the hurricane). Two additional wells have also been added to the drilling plan.

Photo shows landfill gas collection pipe that is being installed.
September 2024
- September 18 - excavation is being done to prepare for the installation of new header pipe throughout the landfill.
Photo shows excavation prep work for pipe installation.
- September 17 - the main landfill gas flare will be shut down for 10-14 hours beginning at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, September 17, while upgrades to the collection system are performed. A backup flare will operate during this time. Depending on weather conditions, residents may experience odors while the main flare is offline.
- September 16 - The landfill gas collection system will be shut down for less than one hour as a pump is installed.
- September 13 - ACUA and its partner OPAL Fuels are actively working on major improvements to the landfill gas collection system. The site is currently being excavated in preparation for the extension of 18” header pipe around 2,500 linear feet of the landfill. Installation of 30+ new collection wells or redrills is expected to begin the week of September 23. This work is being done proactively in locations where landfill gas production is expected to occur in the coming months.
- September 4 - the utility flare will be tied back into the landfill gas collection system. The system will shut down at approximately 9 a.m. for 2.5 hours while this work is performed.
- September 3 - A sump pump that removed liquid (condensation) from the landfill collect gas system failed during the evening hours of September 3. The failure of this pump can cause the gas collection system to experience blockages from liquid building up in the vacuum pipeline. Upon discovery of this pump failure, crews immediately began to work on a solution to bring the system back. The repair is currently underway and is expected to be online by the end the day (September 4).
August 2024
- August 28 - the utility (backup) landfill gas flare was placed offline to relocate it as part of contstruction work for the RNG project.
- August 16 - On Friday morning, ACUA staff discovered that a drip leg in the gas collection system had been compromised due to debris accumulation. The team promptly cleared the blockage by opening the low point and cleaning the trap using a vactor truck. This maintenance work temporarily interrupted the flare’s operation for approximately one hour while restoring the 12-inch section of the system to full functionality.
July 2024
Beginning the first week of August, a major expansion to ACUA's gas collection and control system will be completed. This includes:
- 38-40 landfill gas redrills and new wells
- 2 dewatering sumps
- 2,500 linear feet (LF) of 18” header
- 2,800 LF of 12” header
- 500 LF of 8” header
- 6,600 LF of 6” header
- 12,000 LF of 2-3” air line (for future development in 2025)
This infrastructure will enhance our existing gas collection system, improving both current and future collection efficiency, and laying the groundwork for dewatering pumps in targeted vertical wells. To date this scope of work is the most comprehensive in scale ever developed under a single construction phase.
In addition the ACUA's permanent capping project is underway. The project is expcted to go out to bid in August/September and will cover 16 acres of the landfill.
Signficant progress has also been made on the renewable natural gas project, which will substantially impact overall site emissions.
- July 18 - During the overnight hours, a header pipe was broken affecting gas collection. Temporary repairs were made overnight. Staff are making permanent repairs to restore full collection to the affected area. The repair should be complete by 11 a.m.
- July 10 - The landfill gas flare will go offline for approximately 4 hours on Wednesday, July 10, and Thursday, July 11. There may be an increase in odors during this time period.
June 2024
- June 26 - The landfill gas system will temporarily go offline on Thursday, June 27, for approximately 1-2 hours beginning at 9 a.m. There may be a brief increase in odors during this time period.
- June 21 - The landfill gas flare will temporarily go offline for approximately 1 hour beginning at 1:15 p.m. as work to the collection system is performed. There may be a brief increase in odors during this time period.
- June 19 – The landfill gas collection system will temporarily go offline as preventative maintenance is performed on a generator. There may be a brief increase in odors as this work is completed.
- June 6 – ACUA’s landfill gas flare will turn off for 30 minutes at approx. 2 p.m. today. There may be an increased chance for odors during this time. Opal Fuels, a partner in ACUA’s renewable natural gas project, will be connecting a generator to run the gas flare and leachate system for approx. 3 weeks as essential utility power lines are upgraded.
May 2024
- May 25 - ACUA has experienced a mechanical issue with a pump that removes condensation from the gas collection system. Due to the pump failure, a reduction in gas collection has occurred. Crews are working diligently to fix the problem and return the gas collection to normal levels. The time frame for this event is Saturday, May 25, into Sunday, May 26.
May 21 - Grading is being performed around the perimeter of the landfill to prevent erosion and help with stormwater control. This operation may lead to an increase in odors.
Grading is also being performed along the active portion of the landfill to ensure consistent elevation, which typically does not contribute to odors. This grading will prepare the area for the installation of permanent cap. The cap will cover 16.7 acres (show in red below) and is currently in design. It is expected to go out to bid by the end of summer and be in place by the end of the year. This cap will help contain gases and prevent odors.
- May 14 - Residents may have experienced a temporary increase in odors as adjustments to a leachate pump were completed.
- May 6 – Grading and hydroseeding is completed along side slopes.
April 2024
- April 30 - Two portable neutralene misters were installed at the landfill that will help neutralize odors. Neutralene is a non-toxic substance that absorbs and breaks down odor compounds.
- April 29 - Excessive rainfall has caused a significant increase in leachate production at the landfill. Three sumps were installed at cell 10, cell 8 and cell 6 to prevent excess leachate from ponding along the landfill slopes and direct it to pump stations.
- April 22 – 5 vertical landfill gas wells were temporarily disconnected for landfill operations and reconnected to the gas collection system.
- April 15 – Work to protect the side slopes of the landfill from weather-related deterioration begins. The slopes will be graded, covered, and hydroseeded.
March 2024
- March 21 - the sump installation is complete, and the gas collection system is back online.
- March 20 - The expected replacement of a sump is in process. This requires the gas collection system to be shut down for several hours. Depending on weather conditions, residents may experience odors while the system is offline.
- March 18 - ACUA will be replacing a sump on Wednesday, March 20, that will require the gas collection system to go offline as work is completed. Depending on weather conditions, residents may experience odors while the system is offline. The new sump will reduce water from infiltrating the vacuum system.
- March 13 - The new header pipe has been installed, and the gas collection system is back online. The wellfield will be adjusted over the next few days to optimize gas collection efficiency.
- March 12 - Expected work to the header is in process. This required the gas collection system to be shut down for several hours. The system is expected to go offline again for approximately 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 13.
- March 11 - ACUA expects to perform necessary upgrades to its landfill gas collection system on Tuesday, March 12, and Wednesday, March 13, 2024, that may impact odors. The gas collection header pipe, which will increase gas collection capacity, is being replaced and connected to the existing gas collection system. To complete this work, the collection system will need to go offline periodically on March 12 and 13. Depending on weather conditions, residents may experience odors while the system is offline.
- March 4 – heavy rainfall from Saturday, March 2, infiltrated the collection system and led to a temporary increase in odors. Additional rainfall is expected throughout the week. Currently, ACUA staff manually removes liquids through pumps and other measures. New wellheads are expected to be installed during the second quarter of 2024, which will remove liquids automatically and improve gas collection/decrease odors related to heavy rainfall.
- March 1 - a small disconnection between pipes caused a decrease in gas collection between 1:30 and 5 a.m. The pipeline has since been reconnected.
February 2024
- February 29 - new header pipe has been installed, and the new wells will be connected to it in early March. The new header pipe will increase gas collection capacity.
- February 1 - 19 wells have been connected to the system.
January 2024
- January 25 - 19 gas wells have been installed. 17 have been connected to the system. The remaining 2 will be connected within the next week. 2 wells intended for installation were removed from the project due to accessibility issues.
- January 11 - 13 of the 15 installed wells have been connected to the system. 2 of the 6 additional wells have been installed.
- January 10 - Heavy winds damaged the temporary cap. All 15 new gas wells are installed. Based on existing site conditions, it was determined that an additional 6 wells will be added to this current installation project.
- January 8 - 14 of the 15 gas wells have been installed.
- January 4 - 7 of the newly installed gas wells have been hooked up to the gas collection system.
December 2023
- December 29 - 5 of the newly installed gas wells have been hooked up to the gas collection system.
- December 22 - 11 of the 15 gas wells have been installed. The temporary cap has been repaired.
- December 19 - 7 of the 15 gas wells have been installed.
- December 18 - Rain and high winds damaged the temporary cap. Repairs will occur later this week.
- December 16 - 5 of the 15 gas wells have been installed.
- December 11 - Drilling begins on 15 additional gas well installations. As wells are installed, there may be a slight increase in odors caused by this activity. This is temporary and will dissipate as wells are connected to the landfill gas collection system.
November 2023
ACUA is working with partners OPAL Fuels and South Jersey Gas to improve gas collection efficiencies.
- November 16 - ACUA completes installation of 4,000 ft. of landfill gas pipeline and connected nine gas wells.
October 2023
ACUA tuned and cleaned several gas wells to increase gas collection in its current wellfield. We began replacing media in our hydrogen sulfide (H2S) tanks that absorbs the gas. This replacement happens every 6-12 months as needed. Additional gas well installations (15) are being scheduled and will be installed by end of year. Groundbreaking on the RNG Project took place, and work on the wellfield leading up to the construction has begun.
How We Control Landfill Odors
While it is difficult to eliminate all odors from a landfill, there are many industry-proven ways ACUA works to prevent and minimize them. These include:
Landfill Gas Collection System
The most significant measure in containing odors is ACUA’s landfill gas collection system. The system uses a series of wells to capture gases from decomposing trash. ACUA first began collecting landfill gas in 2003 with 19 collection wells. Today, there are more than 100 active wells installed throughout the landfill. As active areas fill with trash, more wells are installed to capture the increasing gases. This system is constantly monitored, tweaked, and cleaned to ensure efficiency.
Once the gases are collected, they are directed to one endpoint. H2S gases are absorbed using a special media in-vessel treatment system that binds to and removes sulfur gas. The remaining collected gases are safely burned off using an enclosed flare. The burning of landfill gas reduces greenhouse gas emissions by converting methane into CO2.
ACUA previously captured gas and converted it into electricity through a third-party partnership. That project saved ratepayers more than $8.5 million while in operation and prevented more than 25,602 metric tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere.
Today, construction is underway on a more efficient system that will convert the captured landfill gas to pipeline-quality natural gas. This
renewable natural gas, or RNG, can be used to fuel area homes, businesses, and compressed natural gas vehicles. The project is a partnership with South Jersey Industries and OPAL Fuels and will be the first of its kind in South Jersey. Most landfills generate gases up to 30 years after a landfill closes, so the project is expected to provide renewable energy for many years to come.
Cover and Capping
Every day, a thick layer of dirt is applied over areas where trash is being actively buried. A minimum of six inches of daily cover is required, which provides the necessary protection and helps to prevent odors, litter, and erosion.
When areas are no longer active, but not quite ready for permanent closure, ACUA applies intermediate cover, which must be at least 12 inches thick. ACUA also uses a more protective “posi-shell” cover and has installed a temporary cap over these areas when applicable. Currently, 20 acres of the ACUA landfill are temporarily capped or covered.
The landfill can be permanently capped once areas are no longer active or under construction. Currently, 20 acres of the ACUA landfill are permanently capped and ACUA plans to permanently cap an additional 16.7 acres by early 2025.
Neutralene Vapor System Installation
To further neutralize odors, neutralene vapor misters are installed along active landfill cells. Neutralene is a non-toxic substance that absorbs and breaks down odor compounds.
ACUA staff and third-party consultants continually monitor conditions at the landfill to ensure compliance with state environmental requirements. This includes:
Daily Odor Monitoring
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) requires daily odor monitoring at the fence line of the property according to wind direction. If this odor reaches 30 parts per billion (PPB) of H2S, then additional monitoring is required.
Off-site Odor Monitoring
In addition to required testing, ACUA performs odor testing at 11 points located outside of the facility.
Daily Monitoring of Gas Wells
ACUA staff continually monitors the landfill wells to ensure they are properly collecting gas at a target flow rate of 2100 standard cubic feet per minute (SCFM). Lower readings indicate a line may need to be cleaned, repaired or regraded.
Quarterly Surface Emissions Testing
This required testing measures methane levels at the landfill surface and all landfill penetrations. If methane exceeds 500 parts per million, ACUA receives notice from its third-party vendor and must address any exceedance within 10 days. An additional follow up test is performed at 30 days to ensure that the repair was completed and is not temporary.
Daily Cover Inspections
ACUA staff ensures the correct amount of cover is applied on all active surfaces.
Enclosed Flare Stack Testing
ACUA is required to test emissions from its flare every five years. ACUA passed its most recent stack test in July 2023.
Historical Investment in Odor Control
ACUA installed its landfill gas collection system in 2003 and has made significant improvements and investments in the 20 years since. Throughout this time, more than $15 million has been devoted to odor control improvements.
A permanent cap was installed across 20 acres of the landfill in 2010, and an additional 20 acres received a temporary cap in 2015. These multimillion-dollar investments continue to play an integral role in controlling odors. Plans to permanently cap an additional 18 acres of landfill space are underway for 2024.
Throughout the years, ACUA has consistently invested in key infrastructure that contributes to the efficient collection of landfill gas. Its flare system was upgraded in 2010 and again in 2017. In 2017, a H2S removal system was also installed. Each year, ACUA invests thousands of dollars into new gas well installations and maintenance measures.
ACUA remains committed to exploring all opportunities to efficiently collect gas and reduce odors.
$16 million
Total Investment in Odor Control
Total Gas Well Installations
Total Active Gas Well Installations*
*Wells can be decommissioned as the landfill grows
Data current as of October 2024
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The ACUA takes seriously all odor complaints and is committed to being a good neighbor to the surrounding community. Odor issues can be reported through the form below or by calling us at 609.272.6950.
Solid Waste Odor Complaint |