Non-hazardous contaminated soil consists of contaminated earth or fill, typically generated due to spill or leak. It is considered a Special Handling Waste, Waste Type Identification Number 27.
ACUA will only accept contaminated soils generated from within Atlantic County.
ACUA requires the transporter and or generator to contact ACUA prior to delivering the waste. Please complete the below special request form, and you will be contacted by ACUA with a disposal date and time.
Procedures for Accepting Contaminated Soils
Update from State of New Jersey Dirty Dirt Law (Law) – Updated Schedules for Compliance Registration and Licensing Requirements for Business Concerns Engaged in Soil and Fill Recycling Services N.J.S.A. 13:1E-127.1 et seq.
Contractors seeking to use ACUA facilities for the disposal/recycling of contaminated soils must submit a complete TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure) method analysis, including lab results for the following factors:
- Ignitability
- Corrosivity
- Reactive Sulfide
- Reactive Cyanide
- Any other parameter that may be requested by ACUA. Disposal of soils that can be verified as home owner exempt with TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) under 5000 ppm (parts per million) are usually approved without TCLP testing.
Special Request Form: