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Searching for: christmas tree


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The gifts are opened, the wrapping paper has been recycled, and the tree is dropping needles like crazy. This can only mean one thing: it’s time to recycle your live Christmas tree. “Recycling your live Christmas tree pays off in three ways,” said ACUA President R...

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Waste Flow  Atlantic County currently operates under Waste Flow control. This means that waste types 10, 13, 13C, 23, 25 and 27 generated within Atlantic County are legally required to come to the Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA) transfer station for disposal. ...

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Compost Facility Information Leaf Funnels and Yard Waste Bags How We Turn Yard Waste into EcoSoil Yard waste can be taken to ACUA's Environmental Park for disposal. Material can be brought in loose and does not need to be bagged or bundled as for curbside collectio...

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  Yard Waste Includes: Leaves Grass Brush Branches Tree Parts Christmas Trees   Yard Waste DOES NOT include: Bamboo Cornstalks Reeds  Seagrass Pampas grass Hay/Straw bales Pumpkins Food items These items can be disposed of in your regular trash. ...

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The Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA) wants to help residents better determine how to properly dispose of items commonly found during the holiday season. Extra packaging from deliveries and gift-giving and increased food consumption are some of the many ways waste pil...

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ACUA will collect live Christmas trees in towns it performs regular yard waste collection in. Please check with your town's scheduled for pickup dates. Trees can also be brought to ACUA for disposal.  Click here to view disposal rates and hours of operation.   Please fo...

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ACUA is excited to partner with the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Atlantic County to offer the community monthly Garden Talk meetings in 2023. Talks will be held outdoors in the ACUA Community Garden located next to GEO Administrative Building #1 (the first building on the...

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ACUA will be closed, and there will be no collections on Christmas Day, Monday, December 25, 2023, or New Year's Day, Monday, January 1, 2024.  ​  
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