Over-the-Counter and Prescription Medications
DO NOT dispose of medication down the drain or toilet. Bring your medicine to a local drop-off or follow these steps:
- Keep medicine in the original container. Mark out any personal information on prescription bottles.
- Mix liquid medicine with undesirable substances like coffee grinds, cat litter or dirt. Dilute pills with water then mix with coffee grinds, cat litter or dirt.
- Place bottles in an opaque container or wrap in dark colored plastic.
- Hide the container in the trash. Do NOT recycle.
The National Take Back Initiative holds biannual events at local police departments to safely dispose of medicines. Click here for information. You can learn more about proper medicine disposal and find local drop-off sites on the Join Together Atlantic County (JTAC) website:
Syringe/Needle Disposal
Never place loose needles or syringes in the trash or recycling bin! Please be advised that current laws in New Jersey prohibit citizens from disposing of sharps (needles, syringes, lancets, etc.) intact or as a whole unit in the regular trash. The safest and most efficient method involves placing the sharps as a single unit into a rigid container and having the container ultimately disposed of at a licensed facility. Click here for a copy of the Atlantic County Division of Public Health Safe Syringe Disposal Information, which lists licensed hospitals in our area. If you should have any questions regarding syringe disposal, please contact the Atlantic County Division of Public Health, Environmental Health Unit at (609) 645-5971.
Medical Waste
ACUA will accept non-infectious medical waste including gloves, masks, gauze, linens, paper goods, etc. These medical waste items are acceptable only when the proper form has been completed and the hauler has registered with the ACUA. Under no circumstances can regulated medical waste (RMW) be commingled with non-infectious medical waste. Any and all RMW or Type 10 waste or recyclables containing RMW found during the disposal and/or tipping are to be considered the responsibility of the hauler and generator, and all accounted costs for removal from the Transfer Station or Recycling Center and will be assessed against both.