ACUA is committed to delivering services in an open and transparent manner, making information about our operations and finances available on this site.  Our mission is to provide environmentally and fiscally responsible waste management services to our customers in and around Atlantic County, New Jersey.  As such, we are stewards of not only the environment, but the public trust as well.

Our Rates

OPRA-Form-ACUA-2023ACUA operates two divisions: the Wastewater Division and the Solid Waste Division. The two are separate and distinct for rate-making and operating purposes.

Annual Budgets
Annual Audits
Annual Reports
Purchasing, Bids and RFPs
Vendors Paid More than $17,500

Investor Relations and Bonds

The holders of bonds or notes of each division have no claims on the revenues or assets of the other division. Click here for more information.

Tax Exemption

ACUA is a tax-exempt organization. Download W9.

OPRA Requests

Additional information may be requested through the Open Public Records Act.

Click here for the OPRA request form.

We strive to make our operations transparent. We welcome your comments and thank you for your interest. 

Please contact us for additional information by email or phone at 609.272.6950.