About Our Program

Since 1987, recycling has been the law in New Jersey. The law requires that residents, businesses and institutions recycle to reduce waste and help the environment. ACUA oversees Atlantic County's recycling program, and we make it easy to recycle right! With single-stream recycling, all accepted materials can be placed in one container at the curb.

Atlantic County Guidelines


#1, 2 and 5 plastic bottles, containers and jugs

No food or liquid residue! Examples:

  • Water/Soda/Juice bottles
  • Milk Jugs
  • Shampoo Bottles
  • Laundry Detergent Jugs
  • Ketchup Bottles
  • Plastic Egg Cartons
  • Yogurt Containers
  • Iced Coffee Cups
  • Margarine Tubs


All Glass Bottles/Containers/Jars 


  • Printer Paper
  • Envelopes (with or without windows)  
  • Cereal Boxes
  • Junk Mail  
  • Magazines/ Newspapers  
  • Telephone Books  
  • Cardboard (corrugated must be flattened and tied with twine)  


Aluminum/Steel/Tin cans and lids

The above guidelines apply to Atlantic County customers. If you reside in Cumberland County, please click here. If you reside in Cape May County, please click here.

CUrbside Container Guidelines

Recycling must be placed in a clearly marked container to be accepted for recycling. Recycling should always be loose in a container -- no plastic bags! ACUA offers several options to residents for containers:
Recycling Buckets
Recycling Carts
Request Recycling Stickers

recycling Drop-Off at acua

Residents of Atlantic County may dispose of single-stream recycling materials at the Recycling Drop-Off located at our Environmental Park (the first left before the scalehouse) during regular Solid Waste Operations hours.  Items must be individually off-loaded. NO Plastic Bags.

There is a separate container for residents to place shredded paper in. Shredded paper should be placed in paper bags or clear plastic bags. Please do not leave shredded paper loose.