Jul 12, 2017
"We are aware of the ongoing dialog about the future of the Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority (ACMUA) and the need to provide secure water resources to Atlantic City residents and businesses, while also being a potential partner in long-term solutions to the City’s monetary stabilization.
As indicated by County Executive Dennis Levinson nearly 18 months ago, Atlantic County, working with the Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA), could be a viable option in addressing some of the financial issues currently facing the City of Atlantic City. Along with the County, ACUA stands ready to discuss various scenarios that would allow the ACMUA to remain under public operation.
At the encouragement of the County Executive, I wrote to Jeffrey Chiesa in December 2016 outlining the current operational capabilities of the ACUA and the institutional similarities between the Authority and the ACMUA. These areas include engineering, maintenance and repair, billing, IT and customer service functions.
We are certainly available and interested in meeting with state, county and local agencies to identify possible solutions and opportunities acceptable to all parties."