Dec 28, 2023
The following rate and product changes will be effective January 1, 2024:
Solid Waste Division:
- Municipal Solid Waste and Animal and Food Processing Waste rate will be $85.77 per ton
- Construction & Demolition Waste and Painted Wood rate will be $111.83 per ton
- Dry Bulky Waste rate will be $111.83 per ton
- Dry Industrial Waste (Non-hazardous) rate will be $152.48 per ton
- Asbestos rate will be $152.48 per ton
- Recycling Processing Fee for External Haulers will be $42 per ton
Wastewater Divison:
- Sewer Service Charge: Per 1,000,000 gallons of flow received at the City Island Treatment Facility not to exceed $2,508.97
- Sludge Gate Rates:
- Sludge Cake > 24.1% - $55.19 per Cubic Yd.
- Sludge Cake 20.1 to 24% - $70.96 per Cubic Yd.
- Sludge Cake 18.1 to 20% - $78.45 per Cubic Yd.
- Sludge Cake 16.0 to 18% - $140.74 per Cubic Yd.
- Sludge Cake less than 16% - $187.19 per Cubic Yd.
- Septage Disposal Rate will be $.060 per gallon
- Leachate Disposal Rate will be $.075 per gallon
- Grease Disposal Rate will be $0.125 per gallon
- Grease Recovery - Inspection fees $127.50 for the first unit and $20.50 for each additional unit
- Laboratory Fee Schedule Modifications