Nov 08, 2022
The Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA) recently welcomed local emergency management, fire and police departments for a safety session focused on compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles. The session provided information on CNG vehicles and reviewed safety shut-off valve locations that can help first responders in emergencies.
“We were happy to welcome our local first responders for this hands-on workshop,” said ACUA Safety and Risk Manager Janette Kessler. “As large users of this alternative fuel, ACUA takes pride in sharing knowledge and resources with our community.”
Currently, 92 percent of ACUA’s collection fleet runs on CNG.
“I had a very good experience that taught me something new,” said Marc Romantino of the Atlantic County Office of Emergency Management. “I had a preconceived idea of CNG, but it was not what I thought it was. It is much safer and better.”
In addition to following federal motor vehicle safety standards, CNG vehicles are equipped with distinctive safety features to ensure the high-pressure gas is protected. CNG cylinders are sturdier than gasoline or diesel storage tanks and pressure relief devices are installed to relieve pressure in the event of fire or another incident.
During the presentation, ACUA staff explained the unique features and showcased the locations of the safety valves on a range of CNG vehicles, including a collection truck, wet-vac truck, and pick-up truck.
ACUA and its ratepayers will save more than $1 million in 2022 by using CNG rather than diesel.
To learn more about CNG, or request more information about safety features, please contact us at 609.272.6950 or visit