The ACUA’s landfill, like many others, contains significant portions of organic materials that produce a variety of harmful gases like carbon dioxide and methane as they decompose.
Methane, which comprises roughly 60 percent of the landfill gas, is also a powerful source of electricity. The landfill gas to energy facility (LFG), which is operated by AC Landfill Energy, LLC, captures methane through a series of pipes before it is released into the atmosphere and combusts it for energy, providing a clean, renewable source of electricity.
Operational since March 2005, the ACUA’s landfill to gas (LFG) facility provides enough energy to power the entire Environmental Park, with excess energy provided to the grid where it can be used to power area homes and businesses.
Capturing landfill gas is also a key component in controlling odors from the landfill.
Environmental and Financial Impact:
Since it became operational in 2005, ACUA has saved more than $8 million in avoided energy costs and shared revenue from the sale of power. This project has prevented more than 24,700 metric tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere.