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Curbside Pickup

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ACUA provides recycling collection biweekly; weekly from Indepdence Day through Labor Day. View schedule for exact dates. View recycling guidelines for Atlantic County.

ACUA provides weekly trash collection.

ACUA will collect 2 bulky items every trash day. This includes a mattress or piece of furniture, for example. This does not include construction or demolition debris.

*Beginning May 1, 2023, all Brigantine yard waste will be collected on Wednesdays or Thursdays.*

  • Streets south of and including 25th Street South will be collected on Wednesdays.
  • Streets north of and including 24th Street South will be collected on Thursdays.
ACUA collects yard waste on select Wednesdays or Thursdays throughout the year. Brush/branches should not exceed 4 ft. in length or 8 in. in diameter and should be tied with twine. View schedule for exact dates.View schedule for exact dates.

Non-commercial tires with rims removed may be disposed of as bulky waste.

Container Guidelines

Recycling: Recycling should be placed loose in a container meant for outdoor curbside collection. 

Trash: Residents may use any container meant for outdoor trash collection.

Yard Waste: Residents may use any clearly marked container meant for outdoor collection or yard waste bags. NO plastic bags. Loose branches should be tied with twine. 

Pleaste note: Containers must not weigh more than 50 lbs. If using a cart, this weight limit does not apply.​ No barrels or drums.

To purchase carts, please contact the Brigantine Public Works Department at 609-266-7800. 

All items must be placed out before 7 a.m. on your scheduled collection day.

Waste Drop Off Services

Electronics and Metals/Appliances can be dropped off at the Brigantine Public Works Yard located at 3605 Bayshore Ave. Call 609-266-7800 for details.

Household Hazardous Waste should be taken to ACUA drop-offs throughout the year and never placed in your household trash can. View dates and information.

Municipal Information

3605 Bayshore Avenue
Brigantine, NJ 08203
John Doring
Public Works Director/Recycling Coordinator
Tiger Platt
City Manager
609.266.7800 ext. 212