Atlantic County Utilities Authority’s Annual Food Drive brought in 29,348 pounds of food...
New Solid Waste and Wastewater Fees and Charges will be effective January 1, 2022.
The Atlantic County Utilities Authority will launch a pilot program to train employees to obtain...
Absecon residents received new recycling carts in September. The recycling carts were funded...
Beginning Monday, December 6 and continuing through Friday, December 17, Atlantic County...
A paving project on Delilah Road will cause road detours and delays. Paving is expected to begin...
Food waste is a major source of the organic matter that is landfilled. The NJDEP estimates that...
The Atlantic County Clean Communities Program, administered by Atlantic County Utilities...
The City of Absecon, through a grant with The Recycling Partnership and the help of the Atlantic...
Beginning August 23, 2021:All vehicles disposing of concrete, brick and block must be NJDEP...