High School students curious about environmental careers came to the Atlantic County Utilities...
ACUA recently hosted a Drive Electric Celebration as part of National Drive Electric Week 2018 --...
Experienced and beginning gardeners alike are welcomed to participate in the next “Garden Talk...
High School students curious about environmental careers are invited to the Atlantic County...
ACUA is working alongside contractor TKT Construction on a repair located near its Seaview Pump...
A seawall is currently being built around the low-lying areas of ACUA’s Wastewater...
Growing a garden benefits the environment in a variety of ways. Composting, using non-toxic...
*UPDATE: Moss Mill Road has reopened as of 3 p.m. Friday, August 24, 2018.*ACUA is working...
Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA) will hold wind farm tours for the public at its...
Repairs are underway on ACUA’s coastal interceptor pipeline located along Atlantic and 32nd...